Friday, November 26, 2010

Do I Need More Vitamin D? 3 Reasons Why! By Jane Sawyers

Do I need more vitamin d? It's a question that everyone should ask themselves seeing as it's a very common problem. Vitamin d is needed by the body and is an essential element in ensuring strong and healthy bones. It can be gained via eating certain foods, but the body can also manufacture it when it is exposed to enough sunlight. If you fall into any of the following categories then you may well require more of it.

Your body is not exposed to enough sunlight
This is more of a problem in the northern hemisphere where there are less daylight hours. If your lifestyle is such that you spend a lot of time indoors, or if you cover up when you are outside then you may well find that you do need more vitamin d. Darker skinned people also tend to need more daylight than those who are lighter skinned to have the same effect. As you get older, and your skin thins, then the body does not manufacture as much of the vitamin.

Increased need
Pregnant women and breast feeding women come under this category. Growing children need a plentiful supply to aid healthy bones, so the mother provides a store of this when breast feeding. The body stores supplies of vitamin d, and when a woman is pregnant she uses up these stores. If she then gets pregnant again very quickly, the body will not have had a chance to replenish them before the next pregnancy starts.

Vegetarians or those who don't eat vitamin d rich foods
Certain types of food contain the vitamin, such as liver, oily fish, dairy products and mushrooms. If your diet doesn't contain these items then you are at a high risk of being vitamin d deficient. Many cereals and breads are not fortified with vitamin d (this means it is artificially added), so that it makes it easier to ensure that everyone is able to eat foods which are rich in it.
You need to take a close look at your diet and lifestyle and then you will be able to work out for yourself the answer to the question 'do I need more vitamin d?'

Acai Berry Actives - All About Brazilian Acai Berry By Anna Goco

One of the healthiest fruit that was recently discovered is the Brazilian acai berry. Sure this fruit has been around for hundreds of years, but it was only recently that it was revealed to the rest of the world. It became known as the number one superfood with all the nutritional factors that it offers. With regular consumption of this fruit, the benefits you will receive are an improved immune system, improved cardiovascular system, longevity, and also weight loss benefits. Since this fruit is highly perishable, you can have your fill in other forms such as supplements like Acai Berry Actives.

Acai berries originated from the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil where it grows on majestic palm trees. It is a small, purplish miracle fruit that looks similar to blueberries with a grape-like color. The fruit's nutritional content comes from the pulp, which is only 10% of the fruit while the other 90% consists of the seed. Seeing as the seed is inedible and has no nutritional value, it has to be carefully separated from the pulp when harvested. They are highly perishable so the only way to preserve its nutritional content is by freezing it.
These berries consist of proteins, antioxidants, fatty acids, and vitamins that all make this fruit the wonder that it is. The antioxidants in one berry alone are more than ten times the amount found in grapes. All these ingredients are what makes this fruit good at improving the immune system, clearing the mind, strengthening the heart, improving sleeping habits, and many other health benefits.

Another thing this fruit is known for is its ability to slow down the aging process. This is the secret to longevity that many have been after to help in keeping them looking young. Aside from that, these berries also achieves healthy, glowing skin. You don't have to spend loads of money on anti-aging creams any longer because with this great fruit you can stay youthful forever.

Acai berries also offer weight loss benefits that eliminates the toxins in the body and improves the digestion process. Another benefit is that it also breaks down fat and suppresses appetite making it perfect for those who are trying to shed some pounds.

Finding Brazilian acai berry just anywhere is not an easy task since it is a highly perishable fruit. If you want to obtain all these great benefits, the solution is to opt for supplements such as Acai Berry Actives. This way, you can still receive all these health benefits with getting all the same nutrients that this fruit has to offer through this supplement.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Know What Hypertension Does To Your Body? By Ralph J. Greene

One of the most common causes of fatality in the growing population of the world is hypertension. There never has been an exception in terms of age, race and gender so as to speak. Anywhere in the world, what comes into reality is that day by day, the earth loses hundreds to thousands of lives because people tend to take their health for granted.

Lifestyle may define a person's state of health, and one must consider how great and essential it is to be particular with such. Hypertension, the significant elevation of the blood pressure, is a predisposed medical condition that greatly affects the middle-aged to old aged. But genetic factors have been said to be contributing some percentage of possibility for a person to acquire this condition. It may also be present to people having such factors as insulin resistance, mutation and low birth weight. This risk may be triggered or precipitated with the form of lifestyle that one have, sedentary that is. All others will include stress, potassium and other mineral insufficiencies, obesity. This is the characteristic of essential hypertension.

Secondary hypertension that is, is caused by identifiable conditions and it is important to recognize because of the course of treatment that may vary from the essential one. There are underlying medical conditions that lead to elevation of blood pressure. It is caused by the disruption of homeostasis in the pathophysiological mechanisms such as your hormones and the organs that are responsible in its regulation.

The diagnosis of such is readily done through thorough assessment and history taking to also undergo physical examination. Basically it will require three separate sphygmomanometer measurements at least one week apart. There will be laboratory measurements to create the baseline of the treatment and to help work on a plan of action in treating the condition. Creatinine and additional testing for your protein for your renal function to check if kidney problems are present, glucose sampling to check for the presence of diabetes, electrocardiogram or ECG to evaluate heart insufficiency and chest x-rays to ensure there is no enlargement or damage in your heart and tissues.

Since lifestyle is subjective, change is the best way to get through with this. There is a known guideline that suggests a good line of lifestyle changes, and these are the following:

Discontinuation and cessation of tobacco and alcohol consumption have been proven effective in lowering the blood pressure. Since these two stimulants have been constricting or narrowing your blood vessels and impeding the blood flow, the stoppage of such will lead to a better circulation of your blood.

Weight reduction, regular exercise and proper diet improves the heart flow and eliminates the storage of fats and cholesterol which leads to regulation of heart rate and blood pressure.

Lifestyle modifications, medications and maintenance will help save lives from throwing into waste resulting from negligence and failure to take better care of one self. Ensure your future and be very vigilant and critical when it comes to health care.

Natural High Blood Pressure Cures That Work By Tom Chua

Uncontrolled high blood pressure or hypertension damages the arteries and organs like the brain, heart and kidneys. About 90 to 95 percent of people suffering from hypertension have no known causes. Experts know that there are many factors involved including lifestyle, stress, smoking and diet.

Below are five top natural supplements that can treat hypertension recommended by experts in natural cures.

#1 - Hawthorn
This is one of the well known herbs that is used to treat hypertension. Studies show that hawthorn causes blood vessels to relax and this in turn will treat hypertension.

#2 - Calcium and Magnesium
These two minerals are known to help keep the bones healthy and strong. But studies also show that calcium and magnesium can bring hypertension under control as these two minerals are involved in muscle contractions.

As an added benefit, it will also keep your bones strong. To ensure proper absorption of calcium, take vitamin D as well.

#3 - Potassium
Potassium lowers high blood pressure but you will need a dose around 2,000 mg daily. Several studies show that it works well. However, keep in mind that this is a high dose and you will want this therapy to be supervised by your healthcare professional.

#4 - Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
There is a lot of interest in using coenzyme Q10 to treat cardiovascular diseases. It is a vitamin-like substance that seems to strengthen the heart and treat hypertension. Some hospitals are giving patients who suffered heart attacks Co Q10 supplements along with conventional prescription medications.

#5 - Fish Oil
Fish oil not only protects the heart and blood vessels, it is commonly used in patients suffering from hypertension. No experts will disagree that fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is a must-take supplement for anyone with any type of cardiovascular disease.

Signs And Symptoms Of Hypertension Headaches By Greg J Ray

Hypertension has become a common lifestyle disease and about 1 in every 6 individuals is diagnosed with high blood pressure. There are a number of signs and symptoms of hypertension on which you need to keep a check to avert any fatal consequences. Headache is very commonly associated with hypertension. If you are suffering from unexplained headaches, it is very important that you are going for a medical checkup to diagnose the individual cause.

There are quite a number of effects of hypertension headaches. There is a pulsating feeling behind the eyes. In some extreme case, people also tend to experience sudden blackouts. Some of the other symptoms of hypertension on which you need to keep close watch are shortness of breath, frequent urination, cramping in legs, fatigue, nervousness, restlessness and irregular heartbeats. Induce vomiting and inability to digest foods is some of the other factors that the patients tend to suffer from.

Hypertensions most of the times are accompanied with mild headaches. This must be considered seriously and doctor must be consulted as early as possible to ensure that there is nothing really serious with your health. The symptoms, if left untreated can lead to fatal consequences.

Hypertensive headaches usually occur towards the morning and the pain is experienced usually at the back of the head. Age and gender are two other factors, which are taken into consideration while offering proper care for hypertension. According to the research findings, women are more susceptible to headaches compared to men. Again compared to the older patients, those under 50 years are more vulnerable to hypertensive headaches. Obesity and too much of stress are two very prominent factors for hypertensive headaches.

If you are experiencing morning symptoms of hypertension headaches, you must visit a doctor as early as possible. With an early diagnosis, you can protect yourself from devastating effects. Headaches can seriously interfere with your daily activities and you may not be able to carry out the day-to-day activities of yours.

Proper medication and changes in lifestyle are some of the factors that you should constantly take care of to ensure that you are able to carry out your basic activities. Regulated diet and regular exercise are two of the best things that you can practice to keep your pressures within normal range. Poor circulation and sluggish metabolism are two primary reasons that add to the stress and lead to increase in the blood pressure level.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Natural Hypertension Treatment - Yes, It's Possible to Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs By Dr. Wayne Sodano

With cardiovascular disease remaining the number one killer in the United States, an estimated 50 million or more Americans are at risk of heart attacks and strokes because of high blood pressure. What gets less publicity is the fact that your high blood pressure can often safely and naturally be reversed.

Hypertension = High Blood Pressure

Physicians distinguish between two forms of hypertension. Primary Hypertension is when there is no obvious cause of elevated blood pressure, although genetics, nutrition, environmental factors, lack of exercise, tobacco use, and stress contribute to it. Secondary Hypertension occurs as a predictable result of some other disease, such as kidney disease or diabetes, among others.

Many times, Hypertension has no visible symptoms and is detected only through a routine blood pressure check at the doctor's office.

Over the last quarter century, mainstream medicine has focused on drug treatments rather than prevention. However, by finding the underlying cause of a particular patient's hypertension and using natural therapies, practitioners can help lower a person's blood pressure to the point where this resolves the problem.

Alternatives to Drugs

Because of the potential side effects of traditional medications used for Hypertension, if your high blood pressure is not at an advanced stage, it makes sense to begin with a conservative natural approach. Sometimes all it takes is a little investigative work to identify and then remove the cause of the problem.

Many drugs and over-the-counter substances are known to raise blood pressure. These include steroids, oral contraceptives, NSAIDS (such as ibuprofin and aspirin), appetite suppressants, nasal decongestants, and certain antidepressants.

Nutritional deficiencies of magnesium, calcium and other essential nutrients are also linked to hypertension, and these can be remedied through supplements. Diuretic drugs cause nutrient losses of important minerals that help to regulate the electrical activity of the heart.

Stress causes an increase of adrenal hormones, which can lead to Hypertension, so lifestyle changes that reduce or manage stress can lower blood pressure.

Lifestyle Changes That Work

A change to a healthier diet, drinking adequate amounts of water, an increase in regular exercise, and learning stress management techniques are excellent tools with profound effects in lowering blood pressure. If you smoke, it is essential to stop.
Practicing Yoga or Tai Chi, and having acupuncture or massage treatments are excellent stress reducers and often help resolve Hypertension.

Where to Find Help?

Functional Medicine practitioners, who may have the professional health care identity of a chiropractor, naturopath, acupuncturist, nutritionist or medical doctor, are trained as medical detectives. They track down the cause of an individual's symptoms rather than assuming that similar symptoms in two different people should be treated in the same way. Also, they tend to help patients with natural, science-based treatments besides drugs.

Dr. Wayne Sodano, D.C., is a chiropractic internist and a faculty member of Functional Medicine University, a training program for medical professionals. He also sits on the Advisory Board of, a site that helps the general public understand the root causes of medical conditions - including high blood pressure and a broad range of other health problems

The Link Between Drinking Water and Managing Your Hypertension By Robert Reddin

There may be no cure for hypertension, but there are things we sufferers can do to manage our condition effectively. One simple step we can take is to ensure that we drink sufficient water, for there is a link between our high blood pressure and the amount of water we drink each day.

Water is the natural cleanser for our bodies. That means it is the most effective way of flushing toxins out of our bodies. Whilst those toxins do not directly cause our hypertension, they can contribute to it by causing to other conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, which often goes hand in hand with our condition.

In addition, drinking plenty of water each day helps to eliminate excess levels of sodium. We need some salt in our diet. However, our modern Western diet is high in processed foods, fat and salt. We are consuming far too much sodium without even realizing it. The effect of this is to skyrocket our blood pressure to levels that would be dangerously high if they were to be maintained. Yet, by the nature of our diet and modern sedentary lifestyle, that is exactly what we are doing. Drinking adequate amounts of water each day helps to flush out the excess sodium through our kidneys and lower those all-important readings.

Keeping our bodies properly hydrated is important for our overall health. It helps our bodies to function more efficiently. One advantage of proper hydration is that it helps to keep our blood vessels elastic. Our hearts need to pump blood at higher pressures when our blood vessels lose their elasticity. Our blood vessels lose their elasticity as we grow older, which is one reason why older people tend to have higher blood pressure than do younger people. Drinking plenty of water can help alleviate this.

An indirect benefit of drinking plenty of water is that it makes us feel fuller for longer. This can be a useful aid to a healthy diet as it reduces the temptation to eat between meals and can contribute towards weight loss. As high blood pressure is often associated with obesity, losing weight is beneficial to our condition.

There is another beneficial side effect of drinking adequate amounts of water each day. That is, the more water we drink, the more we need to pass water. Our bodies try to maintain a natural balance. Part of which is balancing the volume of blood in our bodies, thus helping to maintain normal levels of blood pressure. In a way, drinking plenty of water is a natural diuretic, but without some of the side effects.

What, then, is an adequate amount of water? It is easy to become over enthusiastic and treat this method of managing our condition as a panacea. It is not. Most doctors and dieticians agree that our bodies need at least two litres of water a day to function efficiently, but there are health risks in drinking too much water too quickly.

We should aim to drink between six and eight glasses of cold water spaced out throughout the day. That will keep us properly hydrated. If we drink too much water or drink too much too quickly, while increasing the elimination of salt and water from our bodies, we may also be robbing ourselves of valuable minerals such as potassium and magnesium. This can leave us weak and confused.

Drinking an adequate amount of water each day may not be a panacea, but it is a very effective and simple way of helping us to manage our hypertension.

Reducing our hypertension does not necessarily mean that we have to take drugs to normalize our BP readings.

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure - The Top 3 By John M Anthony

There are many natural ways to lower blood pressure, and most, if not all of them hold some merit. Getting rid of Hypertension however, is not a sprint, but a marathon. In addition to this, it's often best to combine the efforts of a few natural ways to reduce BP readings to gain the best results. The goal of course is to always avoid taking Pills. Once you start taking pills, you can expect to feel significantly worse in many departments. This article will rate three different natural means of lowering your systolic and diastolic readings, and hopefully be of some use to hypertension sufferers.

3: Change your diet!

One of the most tried and true natural ways to lower blood pressure is of course to make changes to your diet. We all know that eating healthy has a huge overall effect on our well-being, and to lower BP, it's essential to be eating the right foods. Some kinds of foods that help with hypertension are high potassium foods (spinach, tomatoes, apricots etc) foods high in calcium, and garlic. Diet is a great start to lowering blood pressure, but probably has the least sizeable impact.

2: Increase your cardiovascular Health
Another of the natural ways to lower blood pressure that people often groan when they hear is to actually exercise and attempt to improve their cardiovascular health. Despite it being one of the toughest and most laborious ways to improve your BP readings, it is indeed a very important and effective method. Going for a 30 minute jog daily is enough, and will have you dropping a few points both systolic and diastolic in no time.

1: Slow Breathing Techniques
Interestingly, the most powerful and easiest natural way to cure hypertension is to practice slow breathing techniques. It's been known for a long time by experts that daily use of slow breathing techniques can have a huge positive effect on your BP, yet the information has never really hit the mainstream in any real way. It really is a great way to reduce stress and indeed take points off your BP Readings.

If done correctly, to a proper system, slow breathing has been known to reduce blood pressure by up to 40 Points systolic and 15 points diastolic - not bad results!
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