Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Natural Way to Survive Cancer

I am just like any other person turning fifty; we grew up with the go out in the sun and play mentality, things were easier then and people felt safer, and besides "its good for you" people would say. We didn't give one thought about getting skin Cancer, or any other Cancer for that matter.

Now we find out those painful sunburns we suffered may have caused serious damage to our skin. Experts say if you have been burned as little as three times you are a high risk for skin Cancer. Genes and your environment can also be a factor.

I can tell you first hand I remember having been sunburned on my shoulders several times over the years, as a result, in 2007 I was diagnosed with Melanoma. Just a coincidence or proof the experts know what they are talking about? I like to believe with all the research done over the past few years they have a better understanding of what is going on with the sun and the danger to our skin.

There are many options to fight cancer, you can eat healthier and take a multi vitamin along with a green's based supplement. There is also a lot talk now about Coriolus and Maitake mushrooms and their benefit to Cancer patients. Proteolytic Enzyme's can help with joint pain and soreness. The best part is all these supplements are from all natural ingredients.

I found a very informative health food store owner. I am going to refer to him as the Vitamin Guy; I would urge you to find your own Vitamin Guy where you live. You will definitely get personal service from an informative mom and pop store; they are not pushing what's "on sale" this week. My Guy even wrote out a program specific for my blood type. He has been part of my support team from the beginning when I was first diagnosed. He is a walking encyclopedia, as I like to describe him. He gave me all kinds of literature and samples of various supplements to try.
I had built up a relationship with the Vitamin Guy when my son started playing High School football. I remember seeing this mom and pop Vitamin store in the strip mall near my house. I like to support the small business owner whenever I can. After all small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. I stopped in one day to gather some information for my son and that's when I met the Vitamin Guy.

My Guy just doesn't give you the name of a vitamin or supplement and say "here take this", He will give you a full run down of everything he is recommending along with the various ingredients and with the how and why they work or do not work for your specific goals and what you are trying to achieve. When it comes to your diet, vitamins and supplements there is only one person you need to check with to get the right answers to your questions. This is why I put my Vitamin Guy on my support team from the beginning and I feel you should have an expert vitamin Guy too.

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Matthew Troncone - EzineArticles Expert Author

Skin Cancer - Six Reasons This Disease Is Increasing At Epidemic Proportions

20-year statistics from cancer centers and foundations.

Nationwide, since 1987, non-melanoma cases, such as, squamous and basal-cell carcinomas, have increased by at least 250%. Also, since 1986, melanoma cases (the deadly kind) have increased by only 3%. For example, in 1988, one clinic in the Kansas City area treated 300 patients. It now treats about 8000 patients a year and up to 20 melanomas (the deadly kinds that can spread throughout the body) a month.

Six reasons for the increase.
  1. Over exposure to the hot sun. Too much UV-ray exposure to the hot sun is a major overall cause of skin cancer, particularly for the light-skinned people who burn easily or are allergic to it. This exposure occurs while sunbathing at beaches or swimming pools, attending events in uncovered arenas, or during daytime activities in the sun.
  2. Not wearing sunscreen or protective clothing. Quite a few people seem to be invulnerable to the sun rays. As a result, they do not wear sunscreen or enough clothing while in the sun. Yet, a wide-brim hat is a good way to protect the face, head, and neck, where many of these cancers occur.
  3. Not checking out moles or sore spots carefully. Certain dark moles should be reported to ones personal doctor or dermatologist, and then treated. Small sore spots (lesions) that come and go, or heal very slowly could also be reported and examined by them
  4. Depletion of upper-level ozone layer. This depletion allows more UV-radiation (both A & B types) to reach the earth's surface. These rays are considered one of the causes of these cancers today as well as other skin allergies and diseases.
  5. Use of tanning booths. Artificial tanning is highly suspected of causing these cancers for the same reasons. One Skin Cancer Foundation statistic shows people exposed to tanning booths in childhood have a 75% greater chance of getting melanoma later in life than those who are not exposed to them.
  6. Increased awareness and better treatments. More people today are aware of potential skin cancers and their treatments. So, they report them for examination and treatment. Minor surgery is the standard for removing most skin lesions if caught early. Cryosurgery (freezing), electrodessication (scraping/burning/drying), and topical chemotherapy (chemical ointment) might also be used. Newer treatments are being researched.

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J Delms - EzineArticles Expert Author

3 Types of Skin Cancer - Most Common - What Do You Know About Them?

The three types of skin cancer, most common, are Basal Cell Cancer, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma, in that order.

Basal Cell Skin Cancer is the worlds most common and affects more than one million people in the US each year. It rarely spreads; it grows slowly and is highly curable in the early stages. Nevertheless, no one should take basal cell cancer lightly as it can be quite disfiguring if not properly treated promptly. Almost all of this type of cancer occurs on body parts most exposed to the sun and is a result of sun damage.

Squamous Cell Skin Cancer is the second most common. It also grows slowly but as it does grow, it can suddenly change to a faster rate. Such was the case with me. When this happens, it can grow inward and can reach vital organs. The growth is usually local and it can affect close organs. Again it is usually caused by sun damage due to overexposure. The sun damaged skin can be unnoticeable; however a person would feel a rough scaly patch on their skin. This is precancerous and can go a long time (years) without much change or noticeable growth. This condition is known as actinic keratosis. It can develop into squamous cell carcinoma. In this precancerous stage it can be removed by a dermatologist spraying liquid nitrogen and freezing the affected area. It is highly curable in the early stages. Mine spread to a stage 3 and it was successfully removed, although more difficult and more damaging in side effects, both short and long term.

Melanoma is the third most common of the types of skin cancer. About 50,000 cases of malignant melanoma are diagnosed in the US every year and the number is increasing. It is estimated that 1 in 70 people will develop melanoma in their lifetime. About 8,000 per year lose their lives to malignant melanoma. It usually develops as a pigmented mole or dark spot on the skin, but can also be pale in color, making it appear innocent. Although it is the most deadly, it is also highly curable in the earliest stages.

The prognosis for malignant melanoma is greater if it has not spread beyond the outer layer of the skin into the lymph nodes or other places in the body.

The best protection would be to avoid over exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun or tanning beds and live a healthy life style for a strong immune system.

Learn to do regular self skin exams to be watching for changes in moles, freckles, or any new occurrence on your skin. It's you who has the first chance to spot it.

 Always seek the advice of your doctor, dermatologist or qualified health professional when you see something suspicious happening on your skin.

Gary Harmon is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma. He speaks from his own experiences and research.

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Gary H Harmon - EzineArticles Expert Author

Can Doctors Misdiagnose Your Breast Cancer?

Why not ask Karen Nikkel of Quebec City, Canada that question. One of the most disturbing stories I came across while doing research for my special report and new book was in the book, "Patient No More" by Sharon Batt. She told the story of Karen who discovered that her mastectomy was based on a faulty diagnosis.

Now Karen successfully sued the surgeon, the pathologist and the hospital but that is no compensation for the agony and suffering that Karen and her family endured because of a wrong diagnosis.

Karen had what was called one-stage breast surgery, which was the norm up until the last twenty years. The doctor biopsied the suspicious lump, gave it to the pathologist, who did what is called a quick-frozen section. Sounding more like something you'd be looking for in the grocery store, the pathologists will do a quick-freeze on a section of the tumor and make an immediate decision as to whether or not there is cancer present. In Karen's case, while she was still on the operating table, the pathologist declared the tumor cancerous. A mastectomy was performed.
However, immediately after the mastectomy, tissue samples were sent to a nearby hospital for the permanent section. Within 48 hours, the doctors at the hospital learned that the samples were non-cancerous.

No one told Karen of the misdiagnosis. No, Karen lived with the agony of believing she was a breast cancer survivor for six years! She was so frightened of a recurrence that she considered a prophylactic mastectomy of her other breast. She had 3 reconstructive surgeries - her husband had had a vasectomy because he couldn't face having more children knowing his wife might die.

While in the doctor's office one day, the nurse left her file on the table. Karen looked through it and saw the letter that said she never had cancer.

How common is this situation? According to H. Gilbert Welch, author of "Should I Be Tested for Cancer", pathologists are very concerned about "missing" a cancer diagnosis. Fear of lawsuits is a prevailing factor. Consequently, they will often err on the side of caution and call it cancer, even when it's looking "iffy".

In a study done with pathologists, one third of the pathologists did not agree on the presence or absence of cancer in 24 different specimens. Overall there was a disagreement in roughly one-quarter of the breast biopsies.

As Dr. Welch explains, "pathologists can't look at every cell, nor can we expect them to accurately predict the outcome of a dynamic multi-step process based on a single static observation (a few cells under a microscope) The process of early cancer diagnoses is bound to be haphazard."

Haphazard is not a word I would want used in my cancer diagnosis, thank you very much. However, with early detection via mammography and biopsy being the norm for most women, haphazard may be more of an issue than women are led to believe. Mistakes are made. Serious ones. Just ask Karen Nikkel.

Jan Janzen is a breast health activist. A best selling author she has just released her fourth book Breast Health Exposed: 21 Secrets Most Doctors Will Never Tell You About Your Breasts. The book has been endorsed by medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and is already receiving rave reviews from women who know there is a better way. Jan says a woman dying of breast cancer every 12 minutes is absolutely needless and backs this up with 21 medically proven secrets.

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Swine Flu (H1N1) Symptoms and How it Spreads

Swine flu symptoms are similar to symptoms of other flu viruses. These include fever, cough, headaches, chills, body aches, a sore throat and fatigue. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported with this virus. It is important to remember that other conditions can cause these same symptoms. To determine for sure if you have swine flu versus another strain of flu or other condition, you will need to go to your doctor for a lab test. It is important to remember that flu is not a rare illness. According to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control, 5 to 20 percent of the U.S. population suffers from a case of the flu each year.

Flu is similar to a cold virus in that it is typically spread from one person to another when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can pass through an infected person's lungs, throat or nose, sending particles into the air that can pass to anyone that person comes in close contact with. Being out in a crowd increases your chances of being infected.

The other main way the virus spreads is from touching surfaces that are contaminated with the virus and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose. An individual infected with the virus can start transmitting it up to a day before the symptoms start, and up to a week after the symptoms become noticeable, according to the Centers for Disease Control. It is believed the new swine flu spreads in the same way as other types of flu.

Nick Hampshire is the founder of where you can learn more about Swine Flu Symptoms []. Nick is dedicated to equipping people with the knowledge they need to fight swine flu and protect themselves and their families.

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Who Suffers From Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson's disease impacts mainly more aged adults, with around 90% of cases diagnosed in men and women over 60. Inside of that group, there's some variance from age 60 up to age 75, then going down dramatically after that. Currently, Parkinson's is recognized to have an effect on about 3% on the population over the age of 65. Utilizing current statistics and also the expected aging in the population, experts estimate that that amount of cases may double within the next 40 years.

When individuals with slight signs or symptoms of Parkinsonism are taken into account the numbers rise significantly. 15% of individuals in between the age range of 60 and 74 have been diagnosed with Parkinson's symptoms. Among the age range of 75 and 84, that percentage rises to about 30%.

Nonetheless, whenever you take a look at it in terms of onset of signs or symptoms, the picture alters. Less than 10% of fresh instances of Parkinson's condition are diagnosed in more youthful adults - under age 40. The majority of fresh medical determinations of Parkinson's are made among the age range of 60 and 75. After age 85, the possibility of suffering from this condition looks to drop off drastically.

Adult males appear to have greater chance of having Parkinson's than ladies. Males face around twice the chance of establishing Parkinson's Illness as ladies in each and every age group. Scientists think that oestrogen might play a part in safeguarding the body from the substance adjustments that occur in Parkinson's Illness. This is further borne out by two facts - females who've had hysterectomies possess a marginally larger rate of Parkinson's and women who've experienced estrogen replacement treatment possess a reduce rate of the condition.
Parkinson's appears to progress much more swiftly in adult men than women according to one study, and one more found a difference from the way that indicators present. Males are a lot more susceptible to rigidity and trembling, and girls much more at risk for gait disruption and shuffling.

Caucasians have an increased possibility of establishing Parkinson's than some other races. People of European descent appear most susceptible to common Parkinson's, but a few scientific studies suggest that non-Caucasians may possibly be far more at chance for a specific kind of non-typical parkinsonism that leads to a disturbance in thought.
In a small percentage of situations, household background may well play a role in the onset of Parkinson's. Individuals who have parents or brothers and sisters who experienced early onset Parkinson's, in that signs or symptoms developed prior to the age of 40, are far more likely to suffer than others their age. Whenever Parkinson's was clinically determined at a later age, family background would seem to play no part.

Strangely, smokers appear to possess a reduced incidence of Parkinson's, which has led research workers to investigate the likelihood that nicotine may well offer some protection from the modifications triggered by the condition. They're swift to indicate that the other wellness issues connected with cigarette smoking are far too significant to take into account cigarette smoking as a method to avoid obtaining Parkinson's disease.

Caffeine also looks to be protective. An analysis of Japanese-American adult males showed that those people who frequently sipped caffeine ran a reduce probability of getting the illness.

Dr. Mark Clayson - EzineArticles Expert AuthorArticle Source:

What Are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones can be described as frozen or firm deposits of mineral occurring either in the kidney or the urinary tract. More often than not it is formed of salt deposits which have accumulated as a result of poor absorption of salts. It is estimated that out of every twenty persons at least one suffers from this condition. the symptoms are shared and similar to other ailments and it may not be accurate to pinpoint which ones directly relate to this complication. However, there are unique complications that are tagged to this condition which are tell-tale signs that one has kidney stones.

Anyone who is exhibiting this disease shows one or more of the following; firstly, a major symptom would be excruciating pain in the belly. The frequency of pain spasm attacks is different from person to person depending on predisposing factors like precautionary measures, type of foods taken, gender or age. At times the pain is severe and exaggerated such that it can cause fainting or inability to walk comfortably. in some cases the victim would be in excruciating pain such that he is kneeling down while squeezing the stomach in an attempt to distract the pain.

This disease is not necessarily hereditary but persons with a previous infection or those who have immediate ancestors with kidney stones are more predisposed to this condition. Thus this can be taken as a first clue to the symptoms of this disease and preemptive measures taken to prevent occurrence. in Severe cases, stones form blockages in the urinary tract. In a more serious blockage the victim finds difficultly in urinating or may experience tension since urine has accumulated past normal levels and cannot find an exit. A direct result of this will lead the urine to forcibly create a path way and a feeling of seepage can be experienced by the victim.

Blood in the urine is a shared symptom to many sub-complications associated with the urinary tract. Thus even though it is one of the symptoms,it cannot be used conclusively to diagnose this condition. Blood in urine means a broken lining in the tract and it follows that every time there is an urge to have bowel excretion it is accompanied by pain as the salted and concentrated urine passes through the tract.

The more generalized symptoms are of this disease are headaches, weariness, nausea and dizziness and Loss of appetite.

Learn more kidney stones symptoms, please visit Eliberta Aout's site: kidney stones treatment.

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Can Food Be Used As Medicine To Fight Disease?

Is food considered to be a medicine? Well that depends on a number of factors. The nutrients your body needs are obtained from the healthy diet of food and drink you consume. If a person eats well they may minimize or even prevent obtaining a number of serious medical problems including cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.

In order to consider the various aspects, lets define how a food can be a medicine. In order for food to behave like medicine, the food should reduce the risk of a specific medical problem from occurring or cure the medical problem. Examples of foods that border on medicinal effects include:
  • Beta carotene: Your eye vision is usually protected against degeneration by eating dark green and dark yellow vegetables and fruits containing beta carotene that is converted into vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc and vitamin C.
  • Calcium: Strong bones are developed early in life by consuming adequate amounts of food containing calcium. It will also help to protect the bone density as the body ages.
  • Beans: Cholesterol that circulates in the bloodstream will be reduced by the soluble dietary fiber contained in beans. Heart disease is reduced as a result of keeping the cholesterol from sticking to the internal artery walls.
  • Wheat bran: Eating food that contains insoluble dietary fiber will reduce constipation and related problems. Food will move more quickly through the intestines and the undigested stuff will be converted into softer stools.
There are some diet plans and foods that are very good for your health. Your daily diet should make certain to balance the fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed to help maintain your overall health. Some of the diet plans that help promote good health and reduce health-related problems include:
  • Cholesterol: The low-saturated-fat and low-cholesterol diet will limit the amount of fat consumed to less than about 30 percent of daily calories and the cholesterol consumed to less than 300 milligrams. It also helps with weight reduction.
  • High Blood Pressure: The sodium-restricted diet (low in salt) will lower water retention in the body. Benefits include help in treating high blood pressure, long-term liver disease and congestive heart failure.
  • Digestion: The digestive tract will better enable processing of food with a high-fiber diet. It will help prevent constipation, reduce the possibility of colon infection and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Liver and Kidney: The low-protein diet will help reduce the protein waste products from body tissues. This in turn reduces damage to liver or kidney tissue.
Can food help fight off cancer? That's a tall question and the answer could be maybe. Cancer is the root of many diseases and not just one disease. No one food helps protect against all cancers but some foods help protect against specific cancers of the body. Here is a short list of such foods:
  • Low-fat foods: A well-known fact is that cells will reproduce based on the energy they receive. Some out-of-control cells (i.e., cancer cells) will reproduce as a result of specific dietary fat ingested. Colon cancer appears to be receptive to meat fat.
  • Dietary fiber: The body is not able to digest dietary fiber. For years it has been thought that consuming a lot of dietary fiber would reduce the risk of acquiring colon cancer. Even though dietary fiber definitely speeds up the processing of food in the digestive track, certain large medical studies confirmed that dietary fiber does not normally protect against the occurrence of colon cancer.
  • Vegetables and Fruits: Antioxidants are chemicals that do not enable molecular fragments to link up and create cancer-causing compounds. Vegetable and fruit plants contain some of these antioxidants.
The benefits derived from eating a healthy diet on a daily basis are not the cure-all when a person has a life-threatening illness. Such a person with said illness should always listen and abide by their doctor's evaluation and prescription. Food and diet should not be seen as a substitute for anticancer drugs, antibiotics, vaccines or other drugs to fight body diseases.

Terry has been writing articles online for over 5 years. Not only does this author specialize in diet, nutrition, vitamins, fitness, weight loss and sports, you can also check out his latest review and tips on Customized Baseball Gloves and Spalding Baseball Gloves for the best baseball equipment and supplies.

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