Monday, October 25, 2010

What Is Dengue Fever?

The tropical regions of our world are very beautiful. They have awesome beaches and scenery and the temperature always reminds you of summer. However not everything is bright and filled with sunshine.

The tropics are host to many diseases. Malaria is famous but it is usually found in the middle of the jungle. Closer to home and but not quite as dangerous is dengue fever or sometimes called dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is a life-threatening disease. It begins as a normal fever but it gets worse. The fever lasts for 2 to 7 days. There will be pain, behind the eyes, or in the joints or muscles. Skin rashes develop. Bleeding can occur in the nose, gums and the skin. Patients experience abdominal pain and their vomit turns into something colored like coffee and their stool is black. It is definitely not pretty.

The virus is transmitted by one particular mosquito, the Aedes. The mosquito is their means of transportation. Dengue cannot spread from one person to another.

There is no vaccine to the dengue virus. Finding one is complicated. There are four serotypes of dengue. None of which will provide immunity when infected by the others. Vaccines against dengue have also been known to make patients more susceptible to other more severe diseases.

Preventing dengue becomes an effort of controlling the population of the mosquitoes. Make sure that there are no stale water sources out in the open. In ponds or tanks, sometimes the natural enemies of mosquito larva are placed together with it.

A person can also try to prevent mosquito bites. Aedes mosquitoes are active early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Be careful during those times. Use repellents or wear long-sleeved shirts. However, there's not much to worry about if your environs are clean.

Most of the time, dengue fever isn't fatal. It's treated like a regular fever. Rest, drink lots of fluids and eat healthy food. Most of the time this works, however patients should be monitored carefully. If dengue progresses and the worst symptoms start to occur then they should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

Even if the fever goes down after 3 to 5 days, keep monitoring. This is actually the most dangerous period because they are not out of the woods yet. The symptoms could suddenly come back together with the bleeding and the vomiting. Proper hospital treatment is necessary should this occur.

For the casual tourist, dengue shouldn't be something to worry you unless an outbreak occurs. Most of the time just avoid dirty and moist areas and you'll be fine.

Jonathan Russell is an artist and blogger that has been writing articles on many different topics for the last 2 years.

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I Have a Fever - What Is a Fever and How to Treat It

Wake up and think to yourself "I have a fever"? But you're not entirely sure? Here is a clear, short explanation of what is a fever, including symptoms and treatment

When you have a fever, your body temperature is higher than the normal level. Your normal body temperature should be 37 degrees Centigrade or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. A fever is one way the body responds to infection. Fevers may be caused by many factors. The most common include a viral illness such as a throat, chest infection or flu, or an urinary infection. It might be due to diseases, or caused by sunburn and heatstroke. Fevers may even be caused by a reaction to a particular drug.

As well as your body temperature going up, you might feel shivery and chilled. Or hot and flushed. If the fever continues, you might get dehydrated.

Although you might feel hot and you can compare your temperature with someone who feels healthy by feeling the warmth from each forehead, the only accurate way to truly check if by using a thermometer. There are aural digital thermometers, you put the tip of it inside your ear and wait for the beep and read the temperature display. For other digital thermometers, you put them in your mouth or squeeze in your armpit - again waiting for the beep.

You should see your doctor if you're feeling feverish and unwell, particularly if you have another specific symptom - for example you might have earache, or a rash or a bad cough including a cough with phlegm.

Go see a doctor immediately if:
- your temperature is over 39.4 degrees C of 103 degrees Fahrenheit
- You are confused or feeling drowsy
- If you are having trouble breathing
- If you have a headache, stiff neck, a sensitivity to light and/or a rash

There are painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol will can help to reduce fever symptoms including fever chills and headaches. Take the painkiller as instructed on the packet as soon as you are feeling feverish or have fever chills.

If the fever lasts more than two days despite attempts to bring it down - pay a visit to the doctor, and if you develop other symptoms.

You can also help yourself treat a fever by resting. Do not go to work and take it easy. Keep yourself hydrated - drink lots of water or diluted fruit juice. Caffeine found in coffee and tea can dehydrate you further so avoid this. The old housewives were right - chicken soup or broth can help too if you are off your appetite. Don't over wrap yourself - wear light, loose clothing and make sure the temperature in the room is not too hot (but not too cold too).

If you are feeling shivery or have the fever chills, there is a temptation to wrap yourself up in blankets and comforters. Don't do that as you might make your temperature rise even further - especially if there is a fever in children. Instead, use a sheet or light blanket as a cover. If you're all hot and sweaty, use a damp, lukewarm towel to warm down your face from time to time.

Jennifer Carver is a writer, researcher. Her latest topic is on the lot of confusing, vague and even bad information out there on taking care of leopard gecko pets.

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The Incredible Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B or Vitamin B Complex, are a group of water-soluble vitamins that play a major role in the optimum functioning of our bodies. Research has shown that this group of vitamins, in particular, are essential for digestion, the nervous system, energy production, healthy hair, skin and nails.

Nutritionists place vitamins into two main categories based on how they dissolve in the body. Vitamins are either water soluble or fat soluble.

It is important to note that the body does not store Vitamin B, as it is water soluble, and is passed out through urine. We therefore need to obtain this vitamin through maintaining a varied and nutritional diet.

The group of B vitamins work together in the body and studies have shown, deficiency in one leads to improper functioning of the others. It has been recommended by some to take a Vitamin B Complex supplement, and to top up any individual B vitamins as required, to ensure the correct levels are present and to maintain them.

The health benefits of Vitamin B have been reported and confirmed through detailed research and clinical studies. Results have shown that a deficiency in Vitamin B can cause dermatitis, dry and greying skin, acne, rashes, wrinkles, hair loss and weak nails.

Riboflavin, a B2 vitamin is important for red cell production and has the ability to process calories that we obtain from carbohydrates, protein and fat. A B2 deficiency will result in decreased energy, an increased sensitivity to light and possible skin rashes.

Pyridoxine is the medical term for Vitamin B6, crucial in the functioning and regulation of the nervous system and optimum brain function. In order to fight illness and disease, the body requires this vitamin to produce antibodies. Vitamin B6 is also effective in the breaking down of proteins and increased doses of this vitamin are needed for people who have a diet high in protein.

Although Vitamin B Complex is essential to maintain health, there have been claims that too much of this vitamin can lead to other health complaints. A high dose can lead to the production of bright yellow urine, as the excess is passed out of the body in this manner. This is not something to worry about and has not proved to be harmful to health.

It has however been claimed, that excessive doses of Pyridoxine, have the ability to cause numbness and neurological disorders. The symptoms that have been suggested include mouth sores, depression, irritability and confusion.

A healthy diet of fresh produce will ensure correct levels of Vitamin B are absorbed into the bloodstream, although it is important to realise that incorrect preparation and storage of food could see the food stripped of essential B vitamins.

One of the best ways to give your body the nutrients it requires is to use a high-quality natural supplement that contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and a host of other proven effective nutrients.

Henri K. Junttila is a health researcher, and believer of using the best natural options to stay healthy and young.

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Vitamin B Complex - Benefits, Side Effects and Deficiency

We all need vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy and strong. These are essential to our overall well being and the state of our mind and body. This article provides information on the vitamins comprising vitamin b complex, their benefits to human nutrition, common side effects and the consequences of deficiency.

How Can This Vitamin Help Me?
Vitamin B complex, is a combination of several water soluble vitamins. The B complex group is made up of of eight B vitamins namely, B1(thiamine), B2(riboflovin), B3(niacin), B6(pyridoxine), B12(cobalamine), folic acid, panthothenic acid and biotin. Each of these vitamins has a distinctive function to perform in the body. Vitamin B complex helps in the healthy functioning of the immune and nervous system. It helps in the production of red blood cells and prevents anemia.

What are the Side Effects and How Much Should I Take?
Consuming more than 400 mg/day of vitamin B 6, which is 200 times the RDA, can cause difficulty in walking, some neurological disorders and numbness in the mouth and hands. An overdose of vitamin B 3 , also known as niacin may result in the following symptoms: faintness, pounding in the head, diarrhea, jaundice and impairment of liver function, low levels of glucose tolerance, other skin lesions and abdominal cramps. Most of the effects are reduced on withdrawal of the vitamin. The recommended daily allowance is 1.4 mg for Vitamin B1, 1.6 mg for Vitamin B2, 2 mg for Vitamin B6 and 1 ug for vitamin B 12. If you want to get your intake from food sources then plants are not a good source of Vitamin B. Most of it is obtained from animal protein.

What Happens If I am Deficient in Vitamin B complex?
Vitamin B deficiency can affect the nerve transmission and proper functioning of the brain. It increases the risk of heart disease. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to the formation of abnormal cells called megaloblasts and result in anemia. It can also cause problems like depression and loss of memory. There are a number of reasons why many people suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin and a deficiency of the B complex vitamin might lead to a lot of health problems such as chronic exhaustion and fatigue, insomnia, lack of concentration and irritability. Should you think you are deficient, then the best course of action is to talk to your doctor or health professional who can advise you on supplementation.

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Maria Treadaway - EzineArticles Expert Author

5 Top Reasons You Need Vitamin B Complex

The Vitamin B Complex comprises of the essential B Vitamins - Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 plus the vitamins Biotin, Choline and Inositol.
Vitamin B Complex is needed for the proper functioning of almost every process in the body. Here are my 5 top reasons you need to get plenty of B Complex vitamins in your diet.

1. Energy Production
Vitamin B1 is needed to help convert the carbohydrates we eat into glucose.
The following B Vitamins are needed at a cellular level to convert glucose into energy - Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 and Biotin. A Vitamin B deficiency in any of these vitamins can lead to decreased energy production, lethargy and fatigue.

2. Healthy Nervous system
The Vitamin B Complex is essential for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B5 is needed for the correct functioning of the adrenal glands and the production of some hormones and nerve regulating substances. Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are essential for the regulation and correct functioning of the entire nervous system including brain function. Vitamin B9 is essential to prevent neural tube defects to the foetus during pregnancy. A deficiency in any of the Vitamin B Complex vitamins can lead to feeling stressed, anxious and depressed.

3. Good Digestion
The Vitamin B Complex is essential for correct digestion, production of HCl (Hydrochloric acid) and to assist in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Especially vital for good digestion are Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. A deficiency in any of these B Vitamins can lead to impaired digestion and deficiency of essential nutrients.

4.Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
The Vitamin B Complex is essential for correct RNA and DNA synthesis and cell reproduction. As our Skin, Hair and Nails are constantly growing and renewing themselves we need the following B vitamins to ensure the good health of these structures - Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Choline. Deficiencies of any of these B Vitamins can lead to dry, grey skin, dermatitis, wrinkles, acne, rashes, falling hair and weak, splitting nails.

5. Synergy
The B Vitamins work so closely with one other that a deficiency in any one B Vitamin can lead to poor functioning of any or all of the others even if they are in good supply. Always take the B Vitamins in a Complex and then top up with any individual Vitamin B, if needed.

Nadine Masseron ND DN MRN is a registered Naturopathic Physican and Nutritionist. She is dedicated to increasing awareness about the benefits of natural health.

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Understanding The Benefits of Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins that includes thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B-6, folate, B-12, pantothenic acid, biotin and choline. Some of the benefits of vitamin B complex supplements include increased energy, improved or more stable moods, healthier skin, hair and eyes.

The vitamins are important for proper nervous system and immune system function.
Actually, adequate amounts of the vitamin B complex group are needed on a daily basis to insure the proper function of many systems of the human body. Niacin (found in the vitamin B complex group) is found in every cell of the human body. Inadequate amounts of niacin in the diet can result in dermatitis (dry, itchy, inflamed skin), muscle soreness, cramping, exhaustion, insomnia, indigestion, mental problems, sores in the mouth and loss of appetite.

Another very important part of the vitamin B complex group is folate, known until recently as folic acid. Healthy men and women over the age of 13 need at least 400 mg per day. Women who are pregnant or nursing need more to support the growth needs of infants. Deficiencies can result in a variety of learning disabilities and growth problems.

No upper limits have been established for the vitamin B complex group. No toxic affects have been noted, except after intravenous injections of pharmaceutical quantities. When taken orally, the body uses what it needs and excretes anything that is left over.

The benefits of vitamin B complex to the elderly include improved memory and mood. No matter what their age, most people notice an improvement in memory and ability to concentrate, as well as a decrease in depressed feelings and irritability.

Vitamin B complex is used by the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is then converted by the cells into energy, commonly referred to as metabolism. The symptoms of vitamin B complex deficiency are similar to symptoms of low blood sugar levels. Increased irritability is one of the first symptoms. Those with sluggish metabolisms or problems controlling their weight often benefit from vitamin B complex supplements.

Most people who start taking a vitamin B complex supplement notice an increase in energy immediately. If you suffer from dry skin or hair, it may take a few weeks to notice a difference, but you will see an improvement.

It is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of the vitamin B complex from a typical daily diet. In addition, certain things increase an individual's daily vitamin B complex requirements. Drinking coffee or alcohol increases the need for the B vitamins. Taking birth control pills, sulfa drugs and sleeping medications increase the need for the vitamin B complex group. It is interesting to note that a lack of vitamin B complex in the diet can lead to insomnia, which could lead someone to ask for a sleep aid, which increases the need for the vitamins. Before you reach for a sleeping pill, you may want to look at your diet and whether or not you are getting adequate amounts of the vitamin B complex group.

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