Friday, November 26, 2010

Do I Need More Vitamin D? 3 Reasons Why! By Jane Sawyers

Do I need more vitamin d? It's a question that everyone should ask themselves seeing as it's a very common problem. Vitamin d is needed by the body and is an essential element in ensuring strong and healthy bones. It can be gained via eating certain foods, but the body can also manufacture it when it is exposed to enough sunlight. If you fall into any of the following categories then you may well require more of it.

Your body is not exposed to enough sunlight
This is more of a problem in the northern hemisphere where there are less daylight hours. If your lifestyle is such that you spend a lot of time indoors, or if you cover up when you are outside then you may well find that you do need more vitamin d. Darker skinned people also tend to need more daylight than those who are lighter skinned to have the same effect. As you get older, and your skin thins, then the body does not manufacture as much of the vitamin.

Increased need
Pregnant women and breast feeding women come under this category. Growing children need a plentiful supply to aid healthy bones, so the mother provides a store of this when breast feeding. The body stores supplies of vitamin d, and when a woman is pregnant she uses up these stores. If she then gets pregnant again very quickly, the body will not have had a chance to replenish them before the next pregnancy starts.

Vegetarians or those who don't eat vitamin d rich foods
Certain types of food contain the vitamin, such as liver, oily fish, dairy products and mushrooms. If your diet doesn't contain these items then you are at a high risk of being vitamin d deficient. Many cereals and breads are not fortified with vitamin d (this means it is artificially added), so that it makes it easier to ensure that everyone is able to eat foods which are rich in it.
You need to take a close look at your diet and lifestyle and then you will be able to work out for yourself the answer to the question 'do I need more vitamin d?'

Acai Berry Actives - All About Brazilian Acai Berry By Anna Goco

One of the healthiest fruit that was recently discovered is the Brazilian acai berry. Sure this fruit has been around for hundreds of years, but it was only recently that it was revealed to the rest of the world. It became known as the number one superfood with all the nutritional factors that it offers. With regular consumption of this fruit, the benefits you will receive are an improved immune system, improved cardiovascular system, longevity, and also weight loss benefits. Since this fruit is highly perishable, you can have your fill in other forms such as supplements like Acai Berry Actives.

Acai berries originated from the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil where it grows on majestic palm trees. It is a small, purplish miracle fruit that looks similar to blueberries with a grape-like color. The fruit's nutritional content comes from the pulp, which is only 10% of the fruit while the other 90% consists of the seed. Seeing as the seed is inedible and has no nutritional value, it has to be carefully separated from the pulp when harvested. They are highly perishable so the only way to preserve its nutritional content is by freezing it.
These berries consist of proteins, antioxidants, fatty acids, and vitamins that all make this fruit the wonder that it is. The antioxidants in one berry alone are more than ten times the amount found in grapes. All these ingredients are what makes this fruit good at improving the immune system, clearing the mind, strengthening the heart, improving sleeping habits, and many other health benefits.

Another thing this fruit is known for is its ability to slow down the aging process. This is the secret to longevity that many have been after to help in keeping them looking young. Aside from that, these berries also achieves healthy, glowing skin. You don't have to spend loads of money on anti-aging creams any longer because with this great fruit you can stay youthful forever.

Acai berries also offer weight loss benefits that eliminates the toxins in the body and improves the digestion process. Another benefit is that it also breaks down fat and suppresses appetite making it perfect for those who are trying to shed some pounds.

Finding Brazilian acai berry just anywhere is not an easy task since it is a highly perishable fruit. If you want to obtain all these great benefits, the solution is to opt for supplements such as Acai Berry Actives. This way, you can still receive all these health benefits with getting all the same nutrients that this fruit has to offer through this supplement.

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