Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Connection Between Omega 3 and Brain Health

Have you heard the sayings "eat your fish, it's brain food" and "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" only to shrug them off as old wives tales that have no merit? You may be surprised to discover that both of these statements actually have scientific backing and are vital for our overall good health.

Fish is the main source of the essential fatty acids known as omega 3. Brain health is dependent on DHA, one of the fatty acids. The brain needs adequate levels of DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, to rebuild and maintain cells. When you eat fish or consume fish oil supplements you are providing the necessary building blocks to support optimum brain activity. This omega 3 and brain health go hand in hand.

Apples have been named as one of the top 25 most nutritious foods along with blueberries, broccoli, dark leafy greens and of course oily fish, just to name a few. Apples are rich in fiber, fruit flavonoids, and antioxidants.

Eating this nutritious fruit can help decrease cholesterol levels and has been known to improve defenses against cancer and other illnesses. They contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may reduce your risk of lung cancer.

One Penn State research study discovered that people who ate an apple fifteen minutes before lunch consumed about 200 calories less during that meal than when they didn't have their fruit snack ahead of time, therefore being able to maintain a healthier weight.

An apple is easy to just grab, and as long as it has been thoroughly washed, it is all ready to eat. Fish isn't so simple, but it is possible to obtain the necessary dosage of DHA with the convenience of fish oil dietary supplements in capsule form. So whether you are just taking omega 3 capsules along with your daily multi-vitamins, or sitting down to a complete salmon dinner, you can be assured you are helping your brain with its normal day-to-day function.
One other area of study that has been done in regard to omega 3 and brain health is that of dementia. A very encouraging report published in the Archives of Neurology stated that those over age 65 who ate fish twice a week slowed their rate of cognitive decline by 13 percent. In contrast, studies have also shown that degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer's disease are more prevalent in people who have a lower blood plasma level of DHA.

Many people find it hard to get sufficient amounts of omega 3 and brain benefits by consuming enough seafood alone. They find it easier to take DHA dietary supplements in capsule form. The dosage is documented on the packaging so they are assured of getting enough of this vital nutrient.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and is a firm believer in taking quality nutritional supplements. She has extensively researched Omega 3 fatty acids for optimal health.

Article Source:
Elizabeth Ruby - EzineArticles Expert Author

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