Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones can be described as frozen or firm deposits of mineral occurring either in the kidney or the urinary tract. More often than not it is formed of salt deposits which have accumulated as a result of poor absorption of salts. It is estimated that out of every twenty persons at least one suffers from this condition. the symptoms are shared and similar to other ailments and it may not be accurate to pinpoint which ones directly relate to this complication. However, there are unique complications that are tagged to this condition which are tell-tale signs that one has kidney stones.

Anyone who is exhibiting this disease shows one or more of the following; firstly, a major symptom would be excruciating pain in the belly. The frequency of pain spasm attacks is different from person to person depending on predisposing factors like precautionary measures, type of foods taken, gender or age. At times the pain is severe and exaggerated such that it can cause fainting or inability to walk comfortably. in some cases the victim would be in excruciating pain such that he is kneeling down while squeezing the stomach in an attempt to distract the pain.

This disease is not necessarily hereditary but persons with a previous infection or those who have immediate ancestors with kidney stones are more predisposed to this condition. Thus this can be taken as a first clue to the symptoms of this disease and preemptive measures taken to prevent occurrence. in Severe cases, stones form blockages in the urinary tract. In a more serious blockage the victim finds difficultly in urinating or may experience tension since urine has accumulated past normal levels and cannot find an exit. A direct result of this will lead the urine to forcibly create a path way and a feeling of seepage can be experienced by the victim.

Blood in the urine is a shared symptom to many sub-complications associated with the urinary tract. Thus even though it is one of the symptoms,it cannot be used conclusively to diagnose this condition. Blood in urine means a broken lining in the tract and it follows that every time there is an urge to have bowel excretion it is accompanied by pain as the salted and concentrated urine passes through the tract.

The more generalized symptoms are of this disease are headaches, weariness, nausea and dizziness and Loss of appetite.

Learn more kidney stones symptoms, please visit Eliberta Aout's site: kidney stones treatment.

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