Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Connection Between Omega 3 and Brain Health

Have you heard the sayings "eat your fish, it's brain food" and "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" only to shrug them off as old wives tales that have no merit? You may be surprised to discover that both of these statements actually have scientific backing and are vital for our overall good health.

Fish is the main source of the essential fatty acids known as omega 3. Brain health is dependent on DHA, one of the fatty acids. The brain needs adequate levels of DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, to rebuild and maintain cells. When you eat fish or consume fish oil supplements you are providing the necessary building blocks to support optimum brain activity. This omega 3 and brain health go hand in hand.

Apples have been named as one of the top 25 most nutritious foods along with blueberries, broccoli, dark leafy greens and of course oily fish, just to name a few. Apples are rich in fiber, fruit flavonoids, and antioxidants.

Eating this nutritious fruit can help decrease cholesterol levels and has been known to improve defenses against cancer and other illnesses. They contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may reduce your risk of lung cancer.

One Penn State research study discovered that people who ate an apple fifteen minutes before lunch consumed about 200 calories less during that meal than when they didn't have their fruit snack ahead of time, therefore being able to maintain a healthier weight.

An apple is easy to just grab, and as long as it has been thoroughly washed, it is all ready to eat. Fish isn't so simple, but it is possible to obtain the necessary dosage of DHA with the convenience of fish oil dietary supplements in capsule form. So whether you are just taking omega 3 capsules along with your daily multi-vitamins, or sitting down to a complete salmon dinner, you can be assured you are helping your brain with its normal day-to-day function.
One other area of study that has been done in regard to omega 3 and brain health is that of dementia. A very encouraging report published in the Archives of Neurology stated that those over age 65 who ate fish twice a week slowed their rate of cognitive decline by 13 percent. In contrast, studies have also shown that degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer's disease are more prevalent in people who have a lower blood plasma level of DHA.

Many people find it hard to get sufficient amounts of omega 3 and brain benefits by consuming enough seafood alone. They find it easier to take DHA dietary supplements in capsule form. The dosage is documented on the packaging so they are assured of getting enough of this vital nutrient.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and is a firm believer in taking quality nutritional supplements. She has extensively researched Omega 3 fatty acids for optimal health.

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Elizabeth Ruby - EzineArticles Expert Author

The Risks Of Heart Disease And Stroke Can Be Lowered With Vitamin B12 And Folic Acid

Without enough B12 in your diet can affect the ability to think, be productive and to fight heart disease. A B12 deficiency can lead to heart disease, coronary disease, deterioration of the nervous systems and brain damage. A deficiency in B12 will cause problems in regeneration of the myelin sheath ( this covers the nerve cells of the body). This can cause the brain's ability to function properly and your ability to handle stress.

If the body doesn't have enough B12, the body can't manufacture blood which can lead to anemia. B12 is needed in maintaining memory and without it, you can develop fatigue,diarrhea, memory loss, anemia, and poor nerve function.

B12 is also known to lower the blood level of homocysteine. Homocysteine is amino acid protein, that without B12 in the blood can cause inflammation. Homocysteine is now considered a more important indicator for heart disease and stroke than the cholesterol levels we've been using in the past. With heart disease and stroke being the main causes of death in America, lowering your level of homocysteine in the blood is an important factor and it has been proven that B12 is one of the nutrients that can do this.

B12 and Folic Acid have been shown to help prevent migraines and age related degeneration. Headaches and their severity have been proven to be reduced when homocysteine levels were brought down into normal levels. The risk of age-related macular degeneration has been proven to increase four-fold when there is a lowered level of B12 (under 125 pmol/L).

Research being done at the University of British Columbia, Canada have shown that high homocysteine levels may be related to kidney disease, psoriasis, breast cancer, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The research has also been link between development of neural-tube defects and babies and the mother's homocysteine levels prior to and during her pregnancy.
Medical Doctors of Wisconsin agree with the findings of the Canadian researchers in a separate report.

B12 is hard to digest in the stomach, so a sublingual administration is advisable. A deficiency of B12 can be correct either through diet or injections.

To reduce homocysteine levels as little as 400 micrograms per day folic acid is needed but research has recommended that it be taken in conjunction with B12 (50-1000 micrograms/day), to achieve the best results.

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Fish Oil Benefits - 3 Ways Taking Concentrated Fish Oil Improves Your Health

To help you cut through all the misinformation that exists out there with regards to omega-3 supplements, I would like to give you three concrete and well researched ways in which omega-3s benefit your health.

1. Heart health. Plenty of research has shown that concentrated fish oil supplements are very effective in lowering triglyceride levels in the blood. High blood triglycerides decrease HDL, or high-density lipo-protein. This number represents the amount of the waxy cholesterol molecules that are leaving your blood vessels and going back to the liver for processing.
When this "good" cholesterol is lower than it should be, it means that there is too much cholesterol going towards your blood vessels compared to the cholesterol leaving your blood vessels. Is this imbalance in cholesterol metabolism that can cause plaque build-up in the arteries. Generally speaking, the higher your HDL is compared to your LDL, the better.
The best way to combat high triglycerides and low HDL is to take a concentrated fish oil supplement with lycopene and coenzyme Q10, two synergistic nutrients which also help heart health.

2. Brain. The most important omega-3 fatty acid found in fish is called DHA. This substance is an integral part of brain cells. In fact, the brain cells of babies are built DHA from breast milk. It has been found that many of the so-called cognitive disorders can be attributed to a deficiency in this essential nutrient. ADHD, depression and loss of memory all respond well to supplementation with DHA.

3. Inflammation and arthritis. Research has left no doubt that the EPA and DHA found in fatty fish is an effective treatment for inflammation and arthritis pain. These substances decrease the amount of inflammatory chemicals in our blood and, over time, lead to a decreased level of inflammation and pain.

In fact, inflammation has now been linked to heart disease, as well as to autoimmune disorders, such as asthma, allergies and lupus. Research shows that excessive inflammation is actually one of the root causes of many of today's ailments.

These facts may explain the paradox of the indigenous populations of Alaska, northern Canada and Greenland, which, although they consume large amounts of red meat, have very low incidences of all the aforementioned degenerative diseases. The reason for this was pinpointed by Danish scientists in Greenland decades ago: The omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish actually balance out possible negative effects of excessive meat consumption.
For this reason, I consider concentrated fish oil to be the two most important supplements that one can take, along with a broad-spectrum multivitamin from a reputable supplier. Together, they can provide all the essential nutrients our bodies need when we're young, and also the nutrients we need to avoid the degeneration that can come with aging.

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How Glucosamine and Chondroitin Work to Reduce Joint Pain and Arthritis

There are numerous supplements and natural remedies that can be used to reduce back pain, joint soreness, and restore range of motion in people who have suffered injury to their joints. Two of the most promising of these supplements that work together remarkably well for many people are glucosamine and chondroitin. Both of these substances are sold without a prescription and have proven to help people suffering from chronic pain and discomfort due to the natural or unnatural breakdown of cartilage and connective tissues between the joints of the body.

It is important to take into account the health of our joints as we age, especially as cartilage begins to break down. As cartilage thins as humans become older, bone starts to rub on bone as the joints are moved. Over time, this can cause severe discomfort and stiffness, and may even lead to a condition called osteoarthritis. While many people experience this in their knees or hands, it can be felt almost anywhere in the body where cartilage protects the joints. It can even happen in the lower back and other parts of the spine. In fact, osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic pain.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is found naturally in the human body. It is essential to the building up of connective tissues and can help prevent the breakdown of cartilage in the body. While it is not able to rebuild cartilage that has already been lost, it can prevent further breakdown and may reduce the chances of experiencing arthritic symptoms. It may also help to reduce the swelling, pain, and general stiff feeling in joints that already have osteoarthritis. Glucosamine does not rebuild connective tissue and cartilage, but it goes a long way towards making sure that further breakdown of the tissue is held to a minimum.

Chondroitin sulfate is often added to glucosamine products. It is another important substance in building up connective tissue in that it stimulates cartilage cells. When paired with glucosamine, it can speed up the regeneration of bone tissue. It has also been found to reduce pain in people suffering from osteoarthritis. Like glucosamine, it can also slow down the rate of future loss of cartilage due to aging and thinning of the connective tissues. This can decrease joint pain and soreness. When used separately, either of these supplements may not help much, but when used together they are very potent.

The most important factor for people with osteoarthritis or joint pain who begin taking glucosamine and chondroitin to remember is that the substances may take a while to begin to work their magic. Patience and persistence can pay off very well when taking these supplements to address arthritic symptoms. It can take from eight to twelve weeks to experiencing noticeable results. Taken in amounts from 800 to 1,500 mg per day, the two supplements, over time, may help a majority of people experience decreased pain and joint stiffness. It is also a good idea to take MSM with glucosamine and chondroitin, as MSM has also been found to help in reducing pain.

Nick writes articles discussing the use of spinal decompression, as well as other treatments for lower back injuries, among many other health issues. He focuses mainly on providing information that people can use in the treatment of low back pain, including sciatica, herniated discs, bulging discs, and tissue damage.

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Vitamin C Overdose

Using Vitamin C products beyond recommended the limits may cause stomachaches and diarrhea. Even though the body would only use as much as it needs of the vitamin, Vitamin C Overdose can hinder metabolic activities in the body.

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C in nonsmoking adults is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. For smokers, the RDAs are 110 mg per day for women and 125 mg per day for men. A dose of 200 milligrams daily is almost enough to maximize plasma and lymphocyte levels.

Higher levels of Vitamin C are needed when under environmental stress such as trauma, fever or infection. Full saturation is reached with daily intakes of 200-500 mg per day (in 2-3 divided doses). This is a water-soluble protein, and anything in excess is excreted by the body. Vitamin C Overdose can cause diarrhea, gas, or stomach upset. Other side effects could be stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea, and an increased risk of developing kidney stones.

Large amounts of Vitamin C reduce body levels of copper, an essential nutrient. People with iron overload diseases must avoid Vitamin C Overdose, as it increases iron absorption. Special medical advice must be taken by individuals who have kidney stones. If a pregnant mother takes 6,000 mg of Vitamin C, the baby may develop rebound scurvy due to a sudden drop in daily intake. Hemochromatosis patients should not take Vitamin C due to enhanced accumulation of non-heme iron in the presence of this vitamin.

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